Learning Forward
Conference Proposal System

Proposal Entry

Example Blank Proposal

NOTE: your proposal is auto-saved as you go, so you can return to complete it later.

You MUST fill out all fields marked with a red asterisk (*) before you can SUBMIT your final proposal.

Proposal is ready for Submission!

Submitted By



Doe, Jane
Doe, John

Proposal Specifics

You will not be able to save your proposal if you exceed the specified number of words in the following sections. We recommend that you draft your responses in another document and, when you know they will fit, cut and paste them into this form.

(Do not exceed 8 words.)

Write a 3-sentence description (no more than 70 words), using sentences that begin with active verbs, that distills what the session will cover and what attendees can expect to learn. This description will be used for the conference program and should address the objectives, content, and ways participants may use the information.

Participants will:

List 3-4 intended outcomes that describe what participants will know, be able to do, and how they might apply the knowledge as a result of attending the session.
(Do not exceed 200 words.)

Primary Area of Focus

Select one:

Secondary Area of Focus

Select one:

Select no more than 3 topics addressed in your session:

TIME: How much time for each part of your presentation?
CONTENT: What content will be addressed?
PROCESS: How will participants experience the content?
TOOLS & RESOURCES: Include tools and resources that will be provided.
(Do not exceed 200 words.)

What best practices and whose research have informed your work? Provide specific data (citations, annotations).
(Do not exceed 100 words.)

Which evidence type best describes the impact this work has had in your setting? Choose 1.

Educators understand that data are information points, while evidence is the collection of data assembled to contribute to a better understanding of a situation or inform a decision. Data can be quantitative (counts and percentages), qualitative (interview responses and written artifacts), formative, and summative. Educators use research about professional learning, including evaluation studies, to better understand the components of any professional learning and its potential impacts.

Describe the evidence and/or data that illustrates the impact this work has had in your school, district, or other setting. Data can be quantitative, qualitative, formative and/or summative.

(Do not exceed 500 words.)

(Select no more than three)

Other Info

Have you submitted a proposal to present at previous Learning Forward conference? If so, indicate below the conferences at which you were a presenter?


Include links YouTube/Vimeo/TED Talk videos. Write "none" if not available.

Include links to your website. Write "none" if not available.


Statement of Intent

If this proposal is accepted, I / my co-presenters and I agree to register for the conference by September 30, 2024 for at least the day of my/our presentation.

I agree to cite all appropriate sources and get permission with regard to the materials used in the session, and I agree to adhere to Learning Forward's policy prohibiting commercialism in presentations.

Further, I understand that if this proposal is accepted, I will be responsible for notifying my co-presenters regarding the status of the proposal and the date, time and location of the presentation.

Proposal fields are saved as you go, so you can leave and come back at any time. When this proposal is complete, with all required fields filled out, submit your proposal below using the "Complete and Submit Proposal Now" button. You will receive an email acknowledgement upon submission.