Preconference (PCXX)
Executive Director
Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child
K-12 SEL Content Lead
Minneapolis Public Schools
PC01 | Social, Emotional, & Cultural Competencies: A Framework for Action
Learn about a framework that supports teaching academic content areas and creating culturally responsive-sustaining classroom and school environments where students succeed and teachers thrive. Learn how the framework is integrated into preservice and inservice settings. Practice using the framework to analyze and enhance your own school or classroom work.
- Become familiar with the Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child’s Social, Emotional, & Cultural Anchor Competencies Framework and its application to classroom practice and school context and culture.
- Learn how the Minneapolis Public School Academy has woven the framework into the pipeline of teacher readiness and school climate that supports academic achievement and students’ and teachers’ ability to thrive;
- Engage in activities that demonstrate how the framework provides a road map to strong teacher preparation, ongoing development, and positive school climate and culture that can impact teacher retention;
- Discuss what is needed to sustain the integration of social, emotional, and cultural competencies in schools beyond the initial professional learning experience.
San Diego State University
San Diego State University
PC02 | Responsive Curriculum Design: Clarity, Coherence, and Challenge
Discover the transformative potential of responsive curriculum design in this dynamic session, where we delve into strategies for meeting the diverse needs of today's learners. Learn how to create adaptable learning pathways that foster inclusivity, engagement, and academic success. Leave empowered with practical tools and insights to revolutionize your curriculum approach and cultivate a responsive learning environment.
- Understand the principles of responsive curriculum design needed to promote opportunities to learn by infusing rigorous content with an assets-based approach;
- Be equipped with practical strategies for designing and implementing flexible curriculum structures that promote inclusivity and engagement; and
- Apply principles and tools to develop customized learning experiences tailored to students' needs, ultimately enhancing student learning.
Founder of Living for Liberation/Director of Liberation
Living for Liberation
High Tech High Graduate School of Education
Improvement Coach
High Tech High Graduate School of Education
PC03 | Transform Instruction with Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Pedagogy
Explore the what, why, and how of culturally responsive-sustaining pedagogy. Learn how to integrate the principles of cultural competence, critical consciousness, and cognitive capacity development in ways that lead to transformational learning experiences for students. Design and showcase a liberatory unit or project and get feedback and critique from peers. Leave with units or projects ready to implement in your own educational setting.
- Gain the knowledge and skills to design units or projects that foster transformative learning experiences for students;
- Have tangible units or projects ready for implementation;
- Internalize liberatory practices and integrate them into their teaching approaches; and
- Be equipped to lead conversations and initiatives within their educational communities, advocating for and implementing practices that honor the whole humanity of young people.
Clifton and Associates
Learning Forward Texas
PC04 | Coaching to Shift Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices
Develop your coaching expertise beyond the basics to a more advanced understanding of how to coach in ways that shift clients’ beliefs, attitudes, and practices, including having difficult conversations. Explore tools, structures, and protocols to move the focus from teacher behaviors to transforming teachers’ practice by examining their beliefs and testing their assumptions. Experience coaching and being coached around authentic thorny scenarios in a safe laboratory setting.
- Explore tools, structures, and protocols to move the focus from teacher behaviors to transforming teachers’ practice by examining their beliefs and testing their assumptions;
- Develop your capacity (knowledge, skills, dispositions, and practices) to deepen your expertise to impact learning through coaching even when it’s a difficult conversation;
- Practice coaching in a laboratory setting with a client who is facing an authentic challenge with the intent to shift their perspectives and thinking about the situation; and
- Experience being coached about a challenge you are encountering in a safe space.
Senior Advisor
Learning Forward
PC05 | Assessing the Impact: Evaluating Professional Learning
Explore an eight-step process for measuring the quality, effectiveness, and impact of professional learning. See how to assess the evaluability of a program, formulate evaluation questions, and construct an evaluation framework that includes data sources, data collection methods, and data analysis. Learn to apply the process to create a plan for evaluating your own professional learning programs. Participants will receive a copy of Assessing Impact: Evaluating Professional Learning.
- Define the steps of the evaluation process;
- Assess the evaluability of an existing professional learning program (outcomes defined as KASAB, standards of success, indicators of success, theory of change);
- Revise professional learning core components to increase evaluability, if needed; and
- Construct an evaluation framework (data sources, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, timeline) for your own professional learning program or a simulated one to answer the evaluation questions.
Managing Design Partner
Partners in School Innovation
Senior Improvement Partner
Partners in School Innovation
PC06 | Data for Liberation: Moving Beyond the Numbers
Reimagine how data gets used in schools so that we can disrupt inequitable patterns and create more lively, loving, learning school environments for Black and Brown students. Identify what’s getting in the way of using data for liberation (e.g., racial bias, an over reliance on testing, or not adopting a systems view). Learn how to facilitate more equity-focused conversations about data so you can bring about meaningful change.
- Explore how our current systems are designed to create obstacles to using data for liberation;
- Discover the nuanced stories hiding in your data;
- Reimagine how data informs equity-focused change initiatives; and
- Facilitate more equitable conversations around data so you can translate data insights into action.
Professor Emeritus
College of Education, University of Kentucky
PC07 | Does It Make a Difference? Evaluating Professional Learning
Discover practical and efficient ways to determine the effects of professional learning on teaching practices and student learning outcomes. Learn how to design professional learning experiences that target context-specific improvements. Develop strategies for gathering crucial evidence on those experiences to verify results and guide future improvement efforts.
- Explore factors trustworthy evidence shows do and do not contribute to the effectiveness of professional learning;
- Learn the five levels of evidence that are essential in evaluating professional learning practices and experiences; and
- Develop strategies for planning effective professional learning experiences that impact teaching practices and result in improved student performance.
Director, Organizational Development
Harford County Public Schools
Harford County Public Schools
Old Post Road Elementary School
PC08 | Breathe New Life into Adult Learning
Explore the principles of high-quality adult learning to promote system-level change. Examine learning structures that will breathe life into your organization while teaching and transforming the attitudes, perceptions, and learning of all stakeholders. Gain a system-level view of what adult learning is and what it could be. Construct and evaluate fresh, inspired professional learning for all.
- Co-create and design an innovative continuum of adult learning constructs aligned to the Standards for Professional Learning;
- Identify powerful structures for each of the adult learning constructs and unique ways to reimagine time for them;
- Align science of learning principles to craft inspirational learning experiences for adult learners; and
- Create a tool for providing high-quality feedback on various professional learning designs.
Assistant Principal
Richardson Independent School District
Brentfield Elementary
Senior Vice President of Virtual Learning and Leadership Events
Learning Forward
PC09 | Mentoring New Teachers: A Learning Cycle Approach
Examine and apply strategies from a mentoring cycle focused on diagnosing new teacher needs, providing coaching support to address those needs, and monitoring progress to measure growth and evaluate impact. Learn and practice skills to build strong relationships and communicate effectively with beginning teachers. Apply adult learning theory and understanding of new teacher mindset to the mentoring role. Design and implement a mentoring support plan that grows new teachers’ knowledge and skills.
- Learn the “why” behind mentoring and the impact mentoring can have on new teachers;
- Understand and apply mentor roles, responsibilities, expectations, and key attributes in your work with new teachers;
- Recognize and apply strategies from the mentor cycle framework for developing new teachers’ knowledge and skills; and
- Apply tools and strategies that establish trust between a mentor and a new teacher to build strong, learning-focused relationships.
Consultant and Trainer
Learning Forward Texas
Learning Forward Texas
PC10 | Powerful Practices for Professional Learning
Learn how to design high-quality, interactive, and relevant professional learning that can escalate changes in educator practice leading to improved student outcomes. Explore the specific learning needs of adults while experiencing a plethora of highly engaging processes to ensure those needs are met, all while extending your understanding of quality professional learning design. Collaborate with peers using a learning design template that can up your game in quality design.
- Explore a framework for designing and facilitating powerful professional learning that is directly aligned to the Standards for Professional Learning;
- Experience a learning environment that meets the physical, social/relational, and learning needs of adults;
- Engage with facilitators as they model brain-friendly strategies that capture and hold learners’ attention and increase retention; and
- Prepare to use tools provided in the session for the future design of high-quality professional learning.
Professor and Coach, Education Department, Anne Arundel Community College; Founder of Lara Training, LLC
Anne Arundel Community College/Lara Training, LLC
Executive Director of Strategic Communications, Coach Training Program Instructor and Coach, Anne Arundel Community College; Founder of Baum Leadership Consulting
Anne Arundel Community College/Baum Leadership Consulting
PC11 | Foundational Coaching Skills for Educators, School Leaders, and Staff
Acquire coaching skills based on International Coach Federation core competencies. Enhance communication and self-reflection abilities to enable participants to foster stronger relationships, achieve higher levels of productivity, and experience greater fulfillment in both their work and personal lives. Discern and leverage a coaching mindset and stance for a variety of contexts.
- Apply coaching skills, tools, and activities to a variety of situations;
- Demonstrate foundational coaching skills; and
- Explore ways to leverage a coaching mindset in a variety of contexts.
Senior Partner
Instructional Coaching Group
PC12 | Goals and Teaching Strategies for Instructional Coaches
Learn how to set goals and identify strategies to hit those goals. Focus on gathering data for goal setting and creating an instructional playbook to identify the highest-impact teaching strategies for helping teachers hit their goals. Engage with other coaches to gain multiple perspectives, and create an implementation plan to take back to your school or district. Leave with tools and forms you can use to ensure that coaching flourishes in your organization.
- Explore a research-based coaching cycle that can be used in professional practice;
- Learn about PEERS goals and what research says about goal setting;
- Determine how to gather engagement and achievement data that can be used for goal setting; and
- Understand why instructional playbooks are essential and how to create one.
Recommended book:
Senior Vice President, Professional Services
Learning Forward
PC13 | Reframing Resistance: Change Leadership for the Real World
Explore what’s really behind resistance that causes your change initiatives to result in less impact than you’d hoped. Analyze why some individuals face change fearlessly while others prefer the comfort of the status quo. Learn ways to ensure that your improvement plans aren’t stalled or sabotaged.
- Understand the types of change initiatives we lead and the response and stress resulting from each type;
- Examine the reasons why individuals may appear resistant to supporting and enacting better practices; and
- Learn to maintain a supportive partnership role that communicates respect while still resulting in widespread change and impact.
Dignity Consulting
Author, Consultant
Dignity Consulting
PC14 | A Case for Dignity: Helping People Thrive
Explore ways to create an environment within which everyone can learn. Gain clarity on dignity, the essential condition for healthy school, classroom, and work cultures. Learn how to create an accountability system for dignity and, as a result, confront disproportionality and bring belonging, engagement, and performance to new heights.
- Deepen knowledge of dignity and belonging;
- Acquire an improvement process to ensure accountability for providing the conditions that people need to thrive in work and in school; and
- Enhance capabilities to collect and use perception data to identify a problem of practice and address the problem with dignifying actions to ensure people have the opportunity to perform at their best.
Program Administrator, Vision 2035
Long Beach Unified School District
Superintendent of Schools
Long Beach Unified School District
Excellence and Equity Coordinator
Long Beach Unified School District
PC15 | Disrupting Inequity with Liberatory Design
Learn about a community-empowered, equity-centered design process that is transforming education in Long Beach Unified School District. Explore how this approach addresses the accumulated historical impact of education on Black students. Practice applying the mindsets and modes of Liberatory Design to a systemic problem of practice in your context to reimagine inequitable processes and structures to allow students to reach their fullest potential.
- Practice applying the mindsets and modes of Liberatory Design to a systemic problem of practice in your context;
- Imagine ways to build leadership models that are inclusive, liberatory, and collaborative; and
- Learn practical and meaningful ways to engage the community in co-designing solutions to local equity challenges.
Developing Minds, Inc.
PC16 | Healthy Teachers, Happy Classrooms
Identify the factors that contribute to teacher burnout. Learn how to support teachers to determine purpose and restore their passion for teaching. Explore 12 brain-based principles for avoiding burnout, increasing optimism, and supporting physical well-being.
- Discover the correlation between humor, optimism, games, and increased immunity;
- Gain understanding of the importance of quality nutrition, exercise, and sleep to support physical well-being; and
- Learn how to create a classroom that engenders optimal student success.
Senior Consultant
Learning Forward
Instructional Coach
Cherry Creek School District
PC17 | Becoming a Learning Team
Learn to maximize collaborative learning time to solve student learning challenges by implementing a five-stage cycle of professional learning. Examine a process for using student data to craft student and educator learning goals leading to learning plans, implementation steps, and progress monitoring. Focus on the role of learning teams in implementing high-quality instruction and what that means for student and educator learning goals. Participants will receive a copy of Becoming a Learning Team.
- Make the connection between collaborative, teacher-led learning and improved instruction and student learning;
- Take steps to launch a learning team cycle with five key stages and examine how to implement each with specific strategies and supporting protocols;
- Support the meaningful implementation of high-quality instructional materials through team learning;
- Adapt the cycle to fit specific school and district calendars and initiatives; and
- Leave with a road map to focus on the day-to-day actions in classrooms among students, educators, and instructional materials for maximum impact.
Senior Vice President, Networks & Continuous Improvement
Learning Forward
Senior Consultant
Learning Forward
PC18 | Continuous Improvement is Professional Learning
Explore the components of systemwide continuous improvement, a high-impact design for educator professional learning that leads to changes in student achievement. Engage in structured conversations to reflect on the strategies and actions taken to apply cycles of continuous improvement to address problems of practice. Articulate next steps to demonstrate shared responsibility for improving learning for all students. Learn how to advocate for continuous improvement as an effective form of professional learning .
- Learn the high-leverage actions and behaviors associated with systemwide continuous improvement;
- Reflect on the strategies and actions taken to apply cycles of continuous improvement to address problems of practice;
- Describe the next steps to demonstrate shared responsibility for improving learning for all students; and
- Align the practices of high-quality professional learning and collaborative continuous improvement to advocate for the use of continuous improvement in all learning environments.
Vice President, Standards Implementation and Outreach
Learning Forward
Chief Learning Officer
Learning Forward
Vice President, Research & Standards
Learning Forward
PC19 | Explore Standards for Professional Learning
Explore the Standards for Professional Learning with Learning Forward’s standards team. Learn how the standards guide and support high-quality learning systems and provide high-quality professional learning for individuals and teams. Gain strategies for designing engaging, high-quality professional learning, and examine aspects of a comprehensive system that produces effective learning for educators in all roles and at all levels. Participants will receive a copy of Standards for Professional Learning.
- Gain a deep understanding of the content and structure of the Standards for Professional Learning;
- Apply the concepts in the standards to your role, responsibilities, and context by engaging in interactive and collaborative activities; and
- Leave with strategies and resources that support individual and collaborative professional learning growth around the standards.
Educational Consultant
Jennifer Abrams Consulting
PC20 | CANCELLED - Having Hard Conversations (CANCELLED)
Explore strategies you can use to have productive yet challenging conversations. Gain insight into conflict and interpersonal communication. Learn how to create action plans and use scripting tools that foster humane and growth-producing conversations while avoiding trigger words that put others on the defensive.
- Identify why we hesitate to have hard conversations;
- Consider questions to ask ourselves before we choose to speak up;
- Articulate in professional language the topic we want to address; and
- Determine the goals of the conversation and write an action plan of support.
EducationHall, LLC
PC21 | The True Challenge of Leadership
Join former principal Pete Hall in an investigation of the true challenge of leadership: How do we best lead our people? Equip yourself with the strategies and mindsets to effectively lead those under your charge. Explore practical tools and applicable protocols and engage in opportunities to collaborate and reflect.
- Embrace the fundamental truths of leadership;
- Collaborate to build a common vision of leadership practices and outcomes; and
- Explore a model of capacity building that meets the needs of individual team members in the pursuit of excellence.
Director, Education Program
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Associate Director for Strategic Partnerships/Director, Educator Learning
BSCS Science Learning
Director of Equitable Impact
BSCS Science Learning
Former Executive Director
Learning Forward
PC22 | Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
Experience curriculum-based learning and consider how it differs from traditional professional learning. Examine a set of research-based actions, approaches, and enabling conditions that effective schools and systems have put in place to reinforce and amplify the power of high-quality curriculum and skillful teaching. Consider strategies for applying them to your plans for professional learning.
- Engage in core, structural, and functional design features and enabling conditions of curriculum-based professional learning and consider implications for your work;
- Examine a case study and video using a framework for curriculum-based professional learning;
- Consider roles and responsibilities for putting into action the elements of curriculum-based professional learning; and
- Apply the framework to assess current practice and make plans for next steps.